Full article: Mesozoic tectonic transition of the northeastern North China Craton: Evidence from adakitic rocks in southeastern Jilin Province, China
Full article: Mesozoic tectonic transition of the northeastern North China Craton: Evidence from adakitic rocks in southeastern Jilin Province, China,HBV preS Mutations Promote Hepatocarcinogenesis by Inducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Upregulating Inflammatory Signaling,Holocene climate and vegetation changes inferred from pollen records of Lake Aibi, northern Xinjiang, China: A potential contribution to understanding of Holocene climate pattern in East-central Asia - ScienceDirect,New & Used Mowers | Oliveira Equipment | Tilbury and Lambton, ON | (226) 216-0887 | (226) 784-5741,Holocene climate and vegetation changes inferred from pollen records of Lake Aibi, northern Xinjiang, China: A potential contribution to understanding of Holocene climate pattern in East-central Asia - ScienceDirect