Resuscitation-Promoting Factor Accelerates Enrichment of Highly Active Tetrachloroethene/Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Dechlorinating Cultures | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Resuscitation-Promoting Factor Accelerates Enrichment of Highly Active Tetrachloroethene/Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Dechlorinating Cultures | Applied and Environmental Microbiology,Breaking the Permeability-Selectivity Trade-Off: Advanced carbon molecular sieve membranes derived from thermally rearranged Mixed-Matrix membrane precursors - ScienceDirect,Technologies of targeting histone deacetylase in drug discovery: Current progress and emerging prospects - ScienceDirect,Theoretical investigation on the reaction mechanism and origin of stereoselectivity of a three-component coupling reaction under organocatalysis - ScienceDirect,Crop Mapping in the Sanjiang Plain Using an Improved Object-Oriented Method Based on Google Earth Engine and Combined Growth Period Attributes